RadGrad Summer 2020 Research Program Results
During the Summer of 2020, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the RadGrad Project hosted 11 undergraduates from the University of Hawaii, including four students funded by the NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates program.
This team never met face-to-face, and in fact not all of them lived in Hawaii during the summer. However, we did meet daily for virtual "stand up meetings", initially through Zoom, and later through Discord.
While we all wish we could have spent time together face-to-face, the experience was nevertheless an unqualified success. All of the students were able to get a taste of the research process and hone their software development skills. (PI Johnson even got over his longstanding aversion to Discord and is now planning to use it in the classroom this Fall.)
On July 31, 2020, all of the students presented the results of their summer work during poster sessions at the University of Hawaii SURE Symposium. Here is a brief summary of each summer project along with their poster (click the image to see full size).
Angeli Amascual, Hanna Park, Max Deyo, and Quinne Uchida presented "CSExplore", a project to investigate how to adapt RadGrad information to suit the needs of high school students with the goal of increasing the pipeline of women and underrepresented groups into computer science.

Aubrie Usui, Jenny Hsu, Mirabela Medallon, and Kelli Tamashiro presented "InternBit", a system designed to simplify the process of finding appropriate summer internships for undergraduate computer science students using insights about students from the RadGrad data.

Page Interest Views
Gian Calica presented "Page Interest Views", a system to monitor RadGrad usage in order to gain insight into emergent student interests in order to facilitate curriculum improvement.

Dev Ops
Arslan Rakhmankulov and Calvan Liang presented their work on comparison of various cloud hosting solutions for RadGrad.